Jul 30, 2023Liked by Jack Kelly

Wow another interesting topic Jack. Baseball has been a popular sport for many years and this was a good one and too bad all the gun shooting caused a few injuries but also some very good players. I enjoyed this baseball history.

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Jul 28, 2023Liked by Jack Kelly

Very interesting read, Jack. There’s so much history surrounding both the Red Wings and the Amerks. My father loved both teams and passed that on to me and I’ve done the same with my son. Can’t thank you enough.

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I remember the days when Luke Easter was hitting homers for the Red Wings. So many of these guys spent most of their careers in the minors.

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Great story Jack, would make for a good movie. Start writing a script.

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Jul 28, 2023Liked by Jack Kelly

So fascinating. I'd like more Cuban history; America's corrupt support of Batista, for example, the assistance of USSR and the decline of Cuban society with Castro's version of Communism. Mainly because; d rather read it from you than Expedia.

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Wonderfully entertaining and informative. I've forwarded it to some friends, which is something that other admirers of yours might do as well.

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